St. Paul Lutheran Churchchurch
402 S. Ballenger Hwy.
Flint, Michigan 48532
Genesee County
Web Address:
Date Built: 1959Architect: Earl L. Confer
Architect’s City: Detroit, MI
Number of Pictorial Windows: 34
Window of the Month March 2009
St. Paul Lutheran Church
MSGC: 1997.0094Census Coordinator:
Robert T. Florine and Derek Orme
Studio Name
Artistic Glass Painting Co.
Willet Hauser Architectural Glass
Paul's Lineage
Young Saul
Paul’s Letter to the Romans
The Conversion of Paul
Paul and Ananias
Paul and Ananias
Ambassador in Chains
Ambassador in Chains
Paul in the Synagogue
Spirit Writing on the Heart
Paul Escaping the Jews
Angel With a Flaming Sword
Paul Appearing to the Christians in Jerusalem
Eye, Ear, and Heart
Barnabas and Paul on a Mission
The Magician
We Being Many Are One Body In Christ
Preaching at Iconium
Benediction of Joy and Peace
Paul Heals a Crippled Man
Love is the Fulfilling of the Law
Paul’s Defense Before Agrippa
Three Churches
Paul, Founder of the Church
Three Churches
Paul in Prison
Paul’s Shipwreck
The New Dispensation
The End of Paul’s Life
Hands to God
Give Food and Drink to One’s Enemies
Hands Folded in Expectation