St. John's Episcopal Churchchurch
26998 Woodward Ave.
Royal Oak, Michigan 48067
Oakland County
Web Address:
Date Built: 1957Floor Plan Sketch: Download
MSGC: 1998.0112
Census Coordinator:
Updated by Michael Surdyk, 10/23/2019; Richard Leslie
Bill Gorsky (some slides)
Studio Name
Willet Hauser Architectural Glass
"He is Risen" - Easter and Resurrection 1
"He is Risen" - Easter and Resurrection 2
Zacchaeus and Mary Magdalene
Jesus the Good Shepherd
War and Peace
Thou Art My Hope O Lord-The Disciple Jesus Loved-Have Faith In God
St. Francis-Honor Thy Father and Mother-Consider the Lilies of the Field
Crucifixion of Christ triptych
Driving Out the Money Changers and Marriage Feast at Cana/John the Fisherman
John the Beloved; Intercessionary Prayer at the Last Supper
Salome and Ruth
Raising of Lazarus
Elizabeth and John the Baptist as a Boy
Parable of the Good Samaritan, Panel 1
Parable of the Good Samaritan, Panel 2
Parable of the Good Samaritan, Panel 3
Parable of the Good Samaritan, Panel 4
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Christ and the Children, Panel 1
Christ and the Children, Panels 2 and 3
Christ and the Children, Panel 4
Joseph Father of Jesus
St. Luke and St. Barnabas
St. Phillip
St. Nathanael aka St. Bartholomew
St. James the Less (James Minor)
St. James the Greater and St. Andrew
St. Simon the Zealot
St. Peter
St. Thomas
St. Matthew
St. Jude
Annunciation/Birth of Jesus/Angel Announces Birth to Shepherds
Shepherds at the Manger/Visit of the Magi/Jesus Presented at the Temple
Boy Jesus in the Temple/Jesus in His Father's Workshop/Escape to Egypt
Crucifixion/Baptism of Jesus/Preaching of John the Baptist
Rich Man and Lazarus/Prodigal's Son Return/Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Workers in the Vineyard/Unforgiving Servant/Good Steward
Paying Taxes to Caesar/Jesus and the Accused Woman/Jesus and the Woman at the Well
Appreciative Leper/Rich Young Man/Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
Temptation of Jesus/Lord in Prayer at Gethsemane/Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem
Resurrection/Commission of the Apostles/Ascension
David the Psalmist-23rd Psalm
The Beatitudes
The Lord's Prayer
Come let us sing unto the Lord
Holy Eucharist