St. Joseph Churchchurch
701 Calumet Street
Lake Linden, Michigan 49945
Keweenaw County
Date Built: 1902Architect: none listed
Date of Alterations: 1912
Architect of Alterations: none listed
Number of Pictorial Windows: 26
Number of Non-pictorial Windows: 1
Archival Sources: church history and inspection
St. Joseph Church
MSGC: 1996.0010Census Coordinator:
Alice Paquette
Most Rev. Frederic Eis
Pope Pious X
Fr. N. J. Raymond
Buissiere Memorial
Society of St. Joseph
Chapin Memorial
Fels Memorial
Our Lord Give the Keys to Peter
Holy Family with the Shepherd
Joseph with Jesus, St. Anne with Mary
Fight of the Holy Family into Egypt
Christ in Temple at age 12
Jesus “Let the Little Children Come to Me”
The 3 Mary’s at the Empty Tomb
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scared Heart of Jesus
Coronation of the Blessed Mother
Agony in the Garden
Baptism of Jesus by John
Apparaition of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoquet
Lady of Lourdes appearing to Bernadette in Souberous
Annunciation to Mary by the Angel Gabriel
Martyrdom of St. Joan d’Arc by Fire
St. Raymond of Penafort, St. Aloysious of Gonzaga