Building Name: First United Methodist Church of NorthvilleCity: Northville
Window Shape: 3 (arched)
Date of Window: 1955
Subject/Title of Window: Luke/Holy Spirit/John
Brief Description of Subject: This stained glass window, arched with three medallions, is set in a transparent window along the south side of the Church. It was transferred to its current location from the old First Methodist Church of Northville in 1977, and installed by Charlie George of the Church.
In Revelation4:5 - 8, four winged creatures surround Christ in his majesty. One has a face of a human, another the face of an ox, another a face of a lion and the last, a face of an eagle. In the second century, these were matched with the four Gospel writers.
Top Medallion: Luke. The winged creature pictured with the face of an ox, symbolizes Luke, as this Gospel begins with the priest Zechariah offering up a sacrifice in the Temple --- an ox is an animal used in sacrifices.
Center Medallion: The Holy Spirit is symbolized by a descending dove with a nimbus. This comes from Mark 1:9 - 10 (NIV), "At that time Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee was baptized by John in the Jordan. As Jesus was coming out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.
Bottom Medallion: John. The winged creature pictured with the face of an eagle, symbolizes John, as his Gospel emphasizes the divine nature of Jesus --- it soars heavenward like an eagle.
According to Church records, this window was dedicated in 1955 to the memory of Jean Katherine Walker.
Height: 5 ft
Width: 3 ft
Luke/Holy Spirit/John
Holy Spirit
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