Building Name: Grosse Pointe Memorial ChurchCity: Grosse Pointe Farms
Window Shape: 5 (gothic arched, 2 vertical sections)
Date of Window: 1935
Subject/Title of Window: Christian Service in our Time
Brief Description of Subject: The dominant colors of the windows are bright red-orange and blue. In the first panel, we see a woman belonging to the salvation army giving a basket of meat to two people. There is a woman in Victorian clothing drinking from a ladle and a horse drinking at a trough. The bottom part of the window has a woman, possibly Jane Adams, greeting children at the “settlement house” with an angel watching. At the right in the bottom a man is entwined by a serpent with the inscription “slums”. The second panel features Jesus washing Peter’s feet. There is a good Samaritan lifting a naked man, with a donkey and two evil-looking men in the background. In this window we see Abraham Lincoln with six other men representing different races. The top of the third panel shows women sewing and measuring clothing for children. Below this there is a nurse looking down on two soldiers with an angel above, holding a torch with a serpent. There is a Red Cross shield in the left corner. There is a prisoner with bars behind him, an angel on right with an armful of books, a baseball, bat, and mitt. The bottom right side we see a man in the stocks.
Inscriptions: St. James
Faith without works is dead
I was hungry and Ye gave me meat
I was a stranger and ye took me in
Christian service
I have given you an example
Do thou like wise
Luke 10:30
Government of the people, for the people, by the people
Having compassion one of another
Doers of the word, not hearers only
Naked and ye clothed me
Crimean war
Prison reform
I was in prison and Ye came unto me
Matthew 25:36
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 55"
Width: 16"
Type of Glass and Technique: Opalescent Glass, Lead Came
Christian Service In Our Time
Christian Service In Our Time
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