Building Name: Edsel and Eleanor Ford HouseCity: Grosse Pointe
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Subject/Title of Window: Panel 8
Brief Description of Subject: Red in-painted circle with indiscernible flower/leaf shape. Six green truncated diamonds surrounding circle to form Star of David shape, all in-painted with ivy leaf shapes. Orange abstract pieces surrounding star to form circle, all in-painted with vague shapes – could be either paired wing shapes or oak leaf shapes. Two circular borders around the orange circle – one appears to be blue glass that is blacked out, the other has white glass.
Heraldic significance:
Red symbolizes warriors or martyrs, military strength, and eagerness to serve one’s country. Green symbolizes freedom, hope, beauty, joy, health, and loyalty in love. Orange symbolizes rewarding or worthy ambition. Blue symbolizes steadfastness, strength, truth, and loyalty. Black symbolizes grief and resistance. White symbolizes cleanliness, wisdom, innocence, peace, sincerity, and joy. The Star of David symbolizes the connection between the Jewish soul and its Creator through the study and observance of the Torah. Ivy leaves symbolize strong and lasting friendship. Wings symbolize swiftness and protection. Oak leaves symbolize great age and strength.
Panel 8
The MSGC is a constantly evolving database. Not all the data that has been collected by volunteers has been sorted and entered. Not every building has been completely documented.
All images in the Index are either born-digital photographs of windows or buildings or are scans of slides, prints, or other published sources. These images have been provided by volunteers and the quality of the material varies widely.
If you have any questions, additions or corrections, or think you can provide better images and are willing to share them, please contact