Building Name: Holy Trinity Lutheran ChurchStudio Name: City Glass Specialty Inc.
City: Livonia
Date of Window: 1974
Subject/Title of Window: The Holy Trinity Window
Brief Description of Subject: This window, designed by Robert E. Berg, consists of 14 panels. The Church has provided a guide to its viewing and it will be quoted in its entirety. These quotes will be marked with the initials "HTC" for Holy Trinity Church. Explanations of each panel begin by identifying the symbols and objects that refer to a scene in the Bible. All Biblical quotes using the New International Version.
HTC: The dominant feature of our sanctuary is the Holy Trinity Window behind the chancel. The major symbolism in the window is the three persons of the Trinity positioned left, center, and right. The Old Testament symbols appear in the left of the window and the New Testament symbols on the right half. The scheme runs from left to right.
Panel 1
Sun: Refers to the story of the "Creation" as found in Genesis Chapter 1
Fruited Tree: Refers to the "Fall of Man" as found in Genesis Chapter 3.
Cross: In Leviticus 17:11 atonement for sin is by blood sacrifice. Adam's sin will be atoned by the crucifixion of Christ.
Eggs: Symbol of Resurrection as when an egg (tomb) is hatched a new life comes out.
HTC: The sun at the top represents the life-giving force of creation rising out of the dark void and giving life to the world. The fruited tree represents man's fall away from God, but the cross hovers above as God's promise of a Savior.
Panel 2, 3 and 4
Rainbow: Sign God used to sign a covenant never to destroy the earth again with a flood. Genesis Chapter 9
Stars: God promises Abram, who is childless, that he will have as many descendants as countless as the stars. Genesis 15:5
Right Hand: Symbol for God the Father. Jewish belief if you saw the face of God you would be struck down. Since the Hand of God appears many times in scriptures, they as well as early Christians used a "hand" to portray God. As an example in Scriptures one can be found in the story of the Burning Bush" at Exodus 3:19 - 20.
Burning Bush: A bush burns without being destroyed from the story of Moses recruitment by God. Exodus Chapter 3.
Doorway with three red marks on its door frame. Refers to the Passover where the blood from a one year old unspotted male lamb will be sprinkled over the sides and top of the door frame. Exodus Chapter 12
HTC: The rainbow represents God's covenant with Noah, all mankind and the earth.The scattering of the many stars reminds us of God's promise to Abraham. The giant hand of God the Father thrusting His bountiful gifts and blessings. The burning bush represents God's deliverance of His people from bondage and also is a symbol of God's call and man's response. The doorway and three red marks remember the Passover and God's deliverance.
Panels 5 and 6
Ten Commandments: God gives Moses the 10 Commandments as found in Exodus 20. There are three Commandments on the left tablet and seven on the right. The three on the left apply to our relationships to God and the seven on left apply to our relationship with others.
Tau Cross: A symbol that connects the raising of a pole with a bronze snake to save the Israelites from poisonous snakes (Numbers 21:8 - 9) to the raising of Christ on a cross to save us.
Scrolls: A symbol for God's words in the Old Testament.
Tongues Holding a Burning Coal: Refers to Isaiah's Commission as found in Isaiah Chapter 6. The burning coal will be applied to his lips by an angel to cleanse him of sin.
Rose of Sharon (a dry plain located in Israel). A symbol for Christ from the Beloved as a Rose of Sharon, in the Song of Songs 2:1 as a type of Christ. For example, In a popular German Advent Hymn which uses Isaiah 11:1, "Lo, how a rose e'er blooming, From tender stem hath sprung, Of Jesse's lineage coming."
HTC: The Tau Cross between the two tablets of commandments is God's cross of healing raised by Moses in the desert. The scroll represents God's prophetic word and strong literary tradition of Israel. The tongs and burning coal remind us of Isaiah's commission to bring Israel to repentance and foretell of Christ. The rose of Sharon is a prophetic image of the coming Redeemer in Israel.
Panel 7 and 8
Four Tongues of Flame: Used to symbolize the four Sundays in Advent.
Fleur-de-Lis: A white lily, a symbol for chastity. It quite commonly appears in pictures of the Annunciation.
Star: The star of Bethlehem that directed the Magi to the Christ Child as related Matthew 2.
Manger: At the Nativity Christ was placed in a manger as found in Luke 2:1 - 7.
Fish: The written language of early Christianity was Greek, so many many symbols were based on that language. The initial Greek letters for the word for fish are the first letters in the Greek words for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."
Shepherd's Crook: Refers to the shepherds that visited the Christ Child as found in Luke 2:8 - 20.
Olive Branch: Symbol of peace as a dove brought back an olive branch to show the flood was over. Olive oil is for anointing. For example in the service for spiritual healing.
Chalice and Wafer: The Eucharist --- blood and body of Christ.
HTC: The four tongues of flame begin the Advent season. The Fleur-de-lis is an ancient symbol of the announcement of Mary and the human nature of Christ.The great star is the Epiphany of Christ, the coming of the light of the world. The manger suggests the lowly birth of Christ. The shepherd's crook reminds us that the lowest of men were first to worship the Christ. The olive branch suggests the healing grace of the Prince of Peace. The chalice and wafer suggest Holy Communion, the dual nature of Christ, the incarnation, death and resurrection of Christ and the reconciliation of God and man. The fish above the manger is the hidden sign of Christ in the world.
Panels 9 and 10
Three Crosses: The crucifixion that includes the two robbers that were crucified with Him. This story is covered in Matthew 27:32 - 55.
INRI: Sign placed on top of the cross are the initials in Latin for the words "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews." Matthew 27:37.
Empty Tomb: Refers to the story of the Resurrection that can be found in Luke 24:1 - 12.
White Unspotted Lamb with Halo: This the "Lamb of God," the Jewish name for a Paschal lamb. This title was given to Jesus by John the Baptist in John 1:29, "Look, the Lamb of God." This is a prophecy that Jesus will be sacrificed for our salvation.
Alpha and Omega: The first and last letters in the Greek alphabet. This symbol originated in the 4th Century to affirm that Christ was God, the God of the Old Testament. It is in opposition to the Arian's belief that Jesus was not God. The source is from Isaiah 44:6, God says, "I Am the first and the last; apart from me there is no God," and Revelation 1:8, Christ says, "I am the first and the last."
HTC: The three crosses and inscription remember Calvary and the empty tomb and the rising lamb the triumph of Easter. The ascending Alpha and Omega symbolize the ascension and the reign of the Word, before, through and beyond time.
Panels 11 and 12
Descending Dove: This symbol for the Holy Spirit comes from John the Baptist's description of the Baptism of Christ as recorded in John 1:32, Then John gave this testimony: 'I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove."
Triangle: A symbol for the triune nature of God.
Descending Flames of Fire: This refers to Pentecost as described in Acts 2: 3 -4, "They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that seperated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled by the Holy Spirit."
Green Sphere with Clouds: The Earth.
HTC: The descending dove begins the work of the Holy Spirit. The triangle reminds us He also represents the Trinity of God. The descending flames remind us of Pentecost and the reign of grace upon the world. The orb and clouds symbolize earth, the direction of God's grace.
Panel 13
All the symbols illuminated the Great Commision as found in Matthew 28:19 - 20, "Go [boat] and make disciples of all nations, baptizing [water] them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded of you [Bible, the Word of God]."
HTC: The ship with the open Bible becomes the symbol of the great commission. The pool of water on the Bible brings in Holy Baptism.
Panel 14
Gold Crown: the Crown of Life as referred to in James 1:12, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."
Stars: In the context of this window, symbolizes the second coming of Christ as found in Matthew 24:29, "The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give light; the stars will fall from the sky, and heavenly bodies will be shaken."
Palms: As a symbol for victory it precedes Christianity. In Christian symbolism, it has become a symbol for victory over death, especially used as an attribute of martyrs. In sacred art and literature it has also become a symbol for Paradise.
HTC: The crown of life, the stars and the palms represent the end of time and the vision of heaven.
Height: 4 1/2'
Width: 72'
Type of Glass and Technique: Slab or Faceted Glass (Dalle de Verre)
The Holy Trinity Window
Panel 1
Panel 2, 3, and 4
Panel 5 and 6
Panel 7 and 8
Panel 9 and 10
Panel 11 and 12
Panel 13
Panel 14
The Holy Trinity Window outside
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