Building Name: First Presbyterian ChurchCity: Holt
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Subject/Title of Window: The Holy Spirit
Brief Description of Subject: The most common symbol of the Holy Spirit is the descending dove. When Jesus was baptized by John, our scriptures report that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus "like a dove". The lamb was another widely used symobol for Jesus Christ, the lamb of God, recalls the lamb of sacrifice. The lamb speaks of God's entry into the affairs of men and women for their redemption, and of Christ's vicarious suffering. The figure of the equilateral triangle symbolizes the Mystery of the Trinity: oneness and threeness at the same time. At first the church was occupied with saying.
Who Jesus was and how he was related to teh Father and how Father and Son were related to the Holy Spirit.
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 6'
Width: 4'
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