Building Name: St. Paul's Episcopal ChurchCity: Jackson
Window Shape: 3 (arched)
Subject/Title of Window: Resurrection
Brief Description of Subject: Angel sits before the empty tomb, pointing heavenward. Three women have arrived to find an empty tomb (there is a lighted candle burning in the opening of the empty tomb symbolizing Christ who is risen) in the panel above the Angeler. There are 3 advent dressed in red and white figures and some children. The top figure appears to be a church blessing the children. The top figure appears to the Christ Blessing the children. The male figure in the lower left holds a book and is meant to be St. Paul, as those are his symbols.
The woman, lower right, holds an anchor, the Christian symbol of Hope and stability in the Faith.
She could be a reference to Dame Julian of Norwich a 14th century anchoress (members of the anchorites- a religious order devoted to Christian charity and prayer)
This window is English and was installed in 1913. So the reference to an English woman of the church is possible.
The window is panted in the Pre-Raphaelite Style typical of the HB and B Studio.
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 156"
Width: 41"
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