Building Name: Temple B'nai Israel (windows in storage)City: Saginaw
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Subject/Title of Window: Dan-5th son of Jacob-first of 2 sons born to Bilah, handmaid of Rachel
Brief Description of Subject: Dan shall be a serpent in the way-a horned snake in the path
That biteth the horse’s heels- so that his rider falleth backward
I want for thy salvation o Lord (Gen 49-16-18)
Rachel said God has judged me (Gen 30:6)
Deborah song-sneering remark of Dan did not help in war
Samson from tribes of Dan
Dan-annexed northernmost part of country from Dan to Beersheba
Symbol-Serpent scale
Horned snake-small, highly venomous coils itself in sand if disturbed darts out upon any passing animal
Dan will prove dangerous to his foes by ambuscades and guerilla warfare
Dan-5th son of Jacob-first of 2 sons born to Bilah, handmaid of Rachel
The MSGC is a constantly evolving database. Not all the data that has been collected by volunteers has been sorted and entered. Not every building has been completely documented.
All images in the Index are either born-digital photographs of windows or buildings or are scans of slides, prints, or other published sources. These images have been provided by volunteers and the quality of the material varies widely.
If you have any questions, additions or corrections, or think you can provide better images and are willing to share them, please contact