Building Name: First United Methodist ChurchCity: Grand Rapids
Window Shape: 6 (gothic arched, more than 2 vertical sections)
Date of Window: 1950
Subject/Title of Window: Christian Service
Brief Description of Subject: Left panel-Samuel being dedicated with his mother at the temple. Jonah is holding a scroll and preaching. Elijah is resting his mantle on Elisha who is plowing. Center panel-Jesus is standing, hands tied with crown of thorns and cross behind him. Jesus is washing his Disciples feet the night before he died. The Good Samaritan is helping the fallen man with priest and Levite in the background. Right panel-Aquilia and Priscilla making tents in Corinth. Dorcas is standing beside a spinning wheel preparing wool. Jesus is calling the fisherman disciples by the Sea of Galilee.
Inscriptions: Left panel-”I have lent him to the Lord.” “When my soul fainted I remembered the Lord and came unto thee into thine holy temple.” “He cast his mantle upon him.” “Jay A. Mutton.”
Center panel-”Son of man came to minister and give his life a ransom.” “I have given you an example.” “Go and do thou likewise.” “To the Glory of God.”
Right panel-”The Church that is in their house.” “This woman was full of good works and alms deeds.” “I will make you fishers of men.” “G. Burton, Esther Armstrong Mutton”
Height: 18'
Width: 7'
Type of Glass and Technique: Opalescent Glass, Antique or Cathedral Glass, Lead Came, Vitreous Paint
Christian Service
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All images in the Index are either born-digital photographs of windows or buildings or are scans of slides, prints, or other published sources. These images have been provided by volunteers and the quality of the material varies widely.
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