Building Name: Central Avenue Christian Reformed ChurchStudio Name: Vanderburgh Art Studio
City: Holland
Window Shape: 4 (rounded or rose window)
Date of Window: 1953
Subject/Title of Window: We Preach Christ Crucified
Brief Description of Subject: This cross stands on a rock in the midst of turbulent waters to convey the blessed truth that in Christ crucified, there is refuge. The cross is not the last word concerning Christ, however. I Corinthians 1:25.
Flower Symbolism of the Sanctuary Windows
1. ROSE OF SHARON - At the top of each window is a depiction of the "Rose of Sharon," which is the symbol of Messianic hope (Isaiah 35:1). The rose, which bloomed abundantly in the region of Sharon near the Mediterranean Sea, illustrates the offer of salvation as a gift from God.
2. LILY - At the base of each window are lilies, which with the rose at the top together represent the lovely names given our Lord in Song of Solomon 2:1.
Color symbolism of the Sanctuary Windows:
GREEN - Eternal, everlasting hope - the color of life.
BLUE - Heaven, Jehovah, interpreted as symbolizing the everlasting love of God.
PURPLE - Regal color of royal origin - majesty of God.
VIOLET - Lighter shade of purple, still denotes royalty but symbolizes humility and penitence. Usage is most often at the Lenten and Advent seasons of the church year.
RED - Depicts the sacrificial shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ. Combined with yellow/orange to reference the divine zeal of the Holy Spirt; i.e., tongues of fire on Pentecost Day.
YELLOW/ORANGE - Light, zeal - relates to the Word of God, light and lamp to a Christian's path.
WHITE - Symbol of the Creator, Lamb of God, purity, perfection, innocence, joy.
BROWN - Representative of mankind, struggle, formed from the dust of the earth. Refers also to the human nature of Christ the Son.
BLACK - Darkness of Hell, sin, sorrow, grief, hopelessness.
Inscriptions: We Preach Christ Crucified
Condition of Window: Excellent
Height: 18'6"
Width: 4'
Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass, Enamel Paint, Lead Came
We Preach Christ Crucified
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