Mayflower Congregational Churchchurch
2901 Mt. Hope Ave.
Lansing, Michigan 48911
Ingham County
Web Address:
Date Built: 1959Architect: Charles V. Updyke
Architect’s City: Lansing
Date of Alterations: 1973
Number of Pictorial Windows: 12
Floor Plan Sketch: Download
Archival Sources: Mayflower Church; printed guide to the windows produced by Kim and Lorraine Finison
Building Notes: From the booklet, “Stained Glass Windows Mayflower Congregational Church” by Kim and Lorraine Finison.
Telling the story...
This is the story of the stained glass windows in the sanctuary of Mayflower Congregational Church. It is also a portion of the story of Mayflower Church and some of the people who have made it what it is today.
The windows themselves tell our story: the story of our Christian faith and the life of the One upon whom our faith is built: Jesus, the Christ.
This booklet is prepared from information shared during the worship services in late 1996 in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the dedication of the last window. The services and sermons were planned around the theme of the window, with one window being showcased each week. This booklet contains only the information about the windows and not the liturgy or sermons.
On February 23, 1975, the Stained Glass Window Committee met for the first time. It was composed of Orlin Bender, Velva Ellis, Irene Hurla, Judy Scribner, Les Switzer, and Gene VanVoorhis. They discussed several ideas at that meeting, including substitutes for “old-fashioned” leaded glass windows. It was suggested that the windows be installed one each year so that they would be more appreciated. It was especially noted in the minutes that one of the suggested artists was a woman! The committee felt that the sanctuary needed a new paint color to enhance the windows, but decided to wait a while before bringing up the subject with the Advisory Council.
The committee toured other churches to look at their stained glass windows. A number of themes were discussed. Finally, the committee recommended and the congregation accepted the plan to use facet glass for a more contemporary look. At that time there were 1500 different colors of facet glass available. Omnibus Ideas in Okemos, Michigan, was chosen as the source and artists Richard Hanley and Mark Taleba created the designs which are based on the Life of Christ. The windows were constructed in a facility in Detroit.
The original plan included the ten windows in the sanctuary; the windows in the narthex were added later in the process. Each window was donated by members of the congregation. When the windows were installed, identifying plaques were discussed, with options including silver, brass, and plastic. At first, the committee chose brass with black engraving because they considered it the most attractive. At a later meeting they decided instead to use brown plastic with white letters because they would be easier to read. In 1996, they were replaced with brass plaques now in use. The plaques in the narthex were added to match the others.
The windows are described according to the order of their placement in the sanctuary, rather than in order of construction or in chronological order of the events they depict. This is so that one can use this booklet as a guide to a sort of “walking tour” of the windows, beginning at the front of the nave near the lectern and progressing to the back, into the narthex, forward down the pulpit side of the nave and ending with the large window over the doors in the narthex, which is best viewed from the front of the center aisle near the chancel.
Mayflower Congregational Church
MSGC: 2015.0003Census Coordinator:
Orilla McHarris
Kim Finison
The Baptism
The Nativity
Calling the Disciples
The Wedding at Cana
The Good Shepherd
Jesus and the Children
The Stilling of the Waters
The Gethsemane Experience
The Last Supper
Jubilate Deo