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Our Lady of Grace, Dearborn Heights, Michigan
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MSGC : Collections : Studio/Artist
Artist / Studio
Alten, Mathias
Artmaier, A.
Baker, Leo
Ball, Walter G.
Barillet, Jean
Beal, Patricia L.
Beall, Harry M.
Beatty, Nancy
Bevington, Mariette
Boyle, Brendan
Bunge, Joseph R.
Burke, Pamela
Buswell, Rich
Cameron, Richard
Carpenter, Ed
Cavanaugh, Margaret Bouchez
Chihuly, Dale
Compton, Pearl
Conran, Doug
Coombe-Rayburn , Mary Alice
Devereaux, Elizabeth
Donlin, Martin
Elskus, Albinas
Fifield, George
Flagg, Harry R.
Fox, L. W.
Gauthier, Leonard
Goodhue, Harry Wright
Graham, Dr. A. Bruce
Grenier, Francois
Guthrie, J. Gordon
Hagens, Rev. John
Haynes, Rev. Gloria
Higgins, Michael and Frances
Hock, William and Martha
Hodge, Samuel A.
Hohman, Lydia
Hosmer, Barbara
Hubinger, Fred
Jacobson, DDS, David
Jungwirth, Irene Gayas
Katz, A. Raymond
Keck, Henry
Kellow, Phyllis
Kemper, Guy
Klein, Rudolph
La Farge, John
Lawson, Madge
Leiphart, George
Lowder, Dwayne
Maglia, Andrew R.
Mason, D.
McDonough, Julie
McKay, Jean I.
McNinch, Peg
Melse, Leonard
Miret, Ellen
Morse, Matt
Nagens, Rev. John
Nelson, Larry
Norman, Rick
O'Connor, OP, Sister Helene
O'Connor, OP, Sister Joanne
Orr, Maria
Owczarski, Marion
Pierce, Wilbur
Pinart, Robert
Ploggins, Cass
Potes, Virginia (Ginni)
Prather, Odell "Billie"
Raleigh, John Duncan
Rattner, Abraham
Richardson, Greg and Kathy
Rodden, Cheryl
Rogers, Heidi
Rother, Helene
Rowe, Carol
Rusnak, Anthony
Sallman, Warner
Sattler, Vera
Simpson, Lewis W.
Sluyter, Jim
Snoyer, Behrend
Steinfels, Melville P.
Stent, Edward J.N.
Swan, Alan
Swisher, Bill
Timler, Alfred
Truscott, Nancy
Waltz, M. Sue
Wargelin, John
Weeg, Leo
Wininger, Dr. Vern and Catherine
Wood, Jr., Dr. Warren A.
Wright, Edith Hazzard
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Wright, Robert Toland
Zucci, G.A.
Acacia Art Glass Studios
Anchor Glass Studio
Androvette (George E.) & Co.
Art Stained Glass Works
Artistic Glass Painting Co.
Associated Art Glass Studios
Bavarian Stained Glass Company
Baxter Glass Art
Beaux Art Studio
Belcher Mosaic Glass Company
Blenko Glass Company
Bonawit (G. Owen) Studios
Brahm Art Glass Studio
Brink (A.L.) Studio
Buffalo Stained Glass Works
Burnham (W. H.) Studios
Calligan Studios
Cathedral Glass Company
Chartres Glassmaker’s Guild
Chicago Art Glass Company
Chicago Stained Glass Studio
China-Blue Glassworks
Christopher Wallace Company
Church Glass & Decorating Company, The
City Glass Specialty Inc.
Clayton & Bell
College of Creative studies, Glass Department
Colonial Glass Works
Connick (Charles J.), Ltd.
Conway Universal Studios
Creative Glass
Cumdonkin Studios
Cummings Studio
Cutters Art Glass
D'Ascenzo Studio
Daprato Stained Glass Window Studio
Darwin's Studio
Designer's Workshop
Detroit Stained Glass Works, The
Emil Frei Associates, Inc.
Esser (T. C.) Co. Stained Glass Studios (Oakbrook Studio)
Flanagan & Biedenweg Co.
Ford and Brooks
Ford Brothers Glass Company
Fort Wayne City Glass
Foster Munger Company
Foy Art Glass Company
France & Germany Imports
Friederichs and Staffin
Friederichs and Wolfram
Frostic (Gwen) Studio
Full Spectrum Glass, Inc.
G. C. Riordan Stained Glass Studios
Gavin Art Glass Works
Giannini & Hilgart
Giovann Studios
Glass and Enameller Studio, The
Glass Barn, The
Gorham Company
Grand Rapids Art Glass & Mirror
Grand Rapids Art Glass Co.
Greene (George) Studio
Hall, (Sarah) Studio
Hardman (John) & Co
Hardy Payne Studios
Hart Studio
Hauser Art Class Company, Inc.
Healy & Millet
Heaton, Butler & Bayne
Hector and Smith Glass
Heinigke and Bowen
Heinigke and Smith
Henderson Brothers
Herbert (A. Kay) Stained Glass
Holman City Stained Glass
Hooker (H. M.) Company
Hopfensperger Stained Glass and Sculpture Studios
JMB Studios
Jonynas & Shepherd Art Studio
Jordan Valley Glassworks
Joseph G. Reynolds & Associates
Judson Studios, The
Kammerand and Stroop, Architects
Kase, J.M. Glass Company
Kinsella (John J.) Company
Klein Art Glass Studio
Kozak (G.) Studio
L & R Design Studio
Lamb (J. and R.) Co.
Linden Glass Company
Litergical Environments
Loire (Gabriel) Studios
Lynchburg Stained Glass Company
Markroy Studio
Marks Stained Glass Studio and Gallery
Mayer (Franz) and Company
McCully and Miles
McFadden & Reed
Mellini Art Glass and Mosaics
Menominee Stained Glass Works
Millet & Burke Co.
Milwaukee Mirror and Art Glass Works
Misch (George A.) and Sons
Mosaic Art Shop
Munich Stained Glass Studio
Nobis Decorating Company
Oberluier Studios
Oidtmann (H.) Glass and Mosaic Studios
Osius-Bantle Glass Studio, Inc.
Paris & Wiley Studio
Payne (George Hardy) Studios
Payne Spiers Studio
Pennywhistle Glass
Phillips Stained Glass Studio
Pickel (Conrad) Studio
Pittsburgh Stained Glass Studio
Pollini (M.V. Guido) & C. Studio
Pond and Pond
Potter's Stained Glass Emporium
Powell (James) & Sons (Whitefriars)
Pristine Glass Company
Radiant Arts Studios, Inc.
Rambusch Studios
Reinarts Stained Glass Studios, Inc.
Schmitt (Conrad) Studios
Schuler and Mueller
Shadetree Studios, Inc.
Spahn, (Dieterich) Associates, Inc.
Stained and Faceted Glass Company
Stained Glass Cabinet Company
Studio Angelico
Sunburst Stained Glass Studio
Sunfire Glass Studios
Suttons Bay Stained Glass Studio
Taleba, Mark Studio of Glass Design
Thompson Art Glass
Thompson Glass Co. LLC.
Tiffany Studios
Tiffany Studios (attributed by the church to)
Tyrolese Art Glass Company
Vanderburgh Art Studio
Village Glass Works
Virtu Studios
Von Gerichten Studios
Wayne Glass Company
Welch-Holman Studio
Wells (W.H.) & Co.
White Stained Glass Studio
Whittemore Associates
Willet Hauser Architectural Glass
Williams Art Glass Studio
Winterich Studio
Wippell, (J.) & Co., Ltd.
Woodruff Designs
World of Glass, A
Zettler (F. X.) Studios