Artist / Studio
StudioWippell, (J.) & Co., Ltd.
Exeter, England
Biography: The Wippel family involved themselves in English ecclesiastical furnishings including stained glass since 1790. Even though they are in England, they, and other European firms, had representative in the United States who would promote the Wippel style as they visited architects and church groups. Frederick Cole (1908-1998) was one of their more recent foremost designers, also providing work for Rohlf Studios in New Jersey. Roy Coomber (1930-) is another important artist who also collaborated with US firms. The firm is now associated with the A.R. Mowbray company in Exeter, England.
Mowbray, Wippell
Window Name: Christ Appearing to St. Thomas
Building Name and City: St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Window Name: The Sacrament of Holy Unction
Building Name and City: St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Window Name: The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Building Name and City: St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Window Name: "Te Deum" Christ as the King
Building Name and City: St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Window Name: "Te Deum" Two Angels
Building Name and City: St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Window Name: The Transfiguration
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Finding in the Temple; Baptism of Christ
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Marriage at Cana; Feeding the Five Thousand
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Jesus Blessing the Children; Jesus and Nicodemus
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Anointing at Bethany; Healing at Bethsaida
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Palm Sunday; Maundy Thursday
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Good Friday; Easter
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Ascension; Pentecost
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Holy Spirit and Evangelists
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: John Knox
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: John Calvin
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Fleur-de-Lys
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Thistle
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Burning Bush
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: Celtic Cross
Building Name and City: First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor
Window Name: The Triumphant Christ
Building Name and City: St. John's Episcopal Church
Window Name: Parable of the Sheep and Goats (Last Judgement)
Building Name and City: Christ Church Detroit
Window Name: Parable of the Talents
Building Name and City: Christ Church Detroit
Window Name: Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
Building Name and City: Christ Church Detroit
Window Name: Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin
Building Name and City: Christ Church Detroit
Window Name: Parable of the Prodigal Son
Building Name and City: Christ Church Detroit
Window Name: Parable of the Good Samaritan
Building Name and City: Christ Church Detroit
Window Name: Hiram the Artificer
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: St. Martin Christian Knight and Martyr
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Calling St. Matthew
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Chapter IX V9
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: An Anchor
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: A Ship
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Lo I Stand at the Door
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Christ the Good Shepherd
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Christ Calling Andrew and Peter
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Jesus Baptized by John the Baptist
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Nativity
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Jesus and Joseph in the Carpenter’s Shop
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Noah and the Ark
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Jesus Calming the Sea of Galilee
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Jesus Preaching from the Boat
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Jesus
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: Rainbow
Building Name and City: Grace Episcopal Church
Window Name: St. George
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: Jesus the Good Shepherd
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: The Nativity
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: Jesus in the Temple
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: Triumphal Entry
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: The Crucifixion
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: Empty Tomb
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: St. Boniface
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: St. Sidwell
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: St. Hubert
Building Name and City: Trinity Episcopal Church
Window Name: Old Testament Scenes
Building Name and City: St. James Episcopal Church
Window Name: New Testament Scenes
Building Name and City: St. James Episcopal Church