Building Name: St. James Episcopal ChurchStudio Name: Wippell, (J.) & Co., Ltd.
City: Birmingham
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Date of Window: 1974
Subject/Title of Window: Old Testament Scenes
Brief Description of Subject: This window is located at the back of the Children's Chapel. It receives no direct sunlight, only light from the courtyard which is located across a hallway. All windows in the Chapel were designed to relate to children and provide a learning experience for them.
For description purposes, the five scenes in this window are presented in chronological order. Inscriptions are from the King James Version and are Capitalized.
1) Genesis 22 --- Abraham Tested: To test Abraham, God told him he must go to the mountains and make a burnt offering of his only son, Isaac. So Abraham saddled up a donkey and took his son to Mount Mariah. He built an altar, and as he was about to kill his son with a knife, an angel of Lord appeared and said, "Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything to him: for I KNOW THAT THOU FEAREST GOD, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me."
2) Genesis 37:3 - 4 --- Joseph Receives A Tunic From Jacob, a.k.a. Israel: "Now ISRAEL LOVED JOSEPH more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors. But when his brothers saw their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him."
3) Ruth 2 --- Ruth Gleans In The Field: Because of a famine in Bethlehem, Naomi, her husband, and two sons were forced to leave and settled in the foreign land of Moab where the sons married the Moabite woman, Orpah and Ruth. Tragedy struck as Naomi's husband and sons died. With the famine over in her native land, Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem and told her daughter-in-laws that it would be best for them to remain in Moab as they would be treated as foreigners in Bethlehem with little chance of finding a husband. Oprah took her advice but Naomi said that she would follow Naomi wherever she went and Naomi's God would be her God. They arrived in Bethlehem during the barley harvest and Ruth told Naomi, "LET ME NOW GO TO THE FIELD '' and glean behind the harvesters. Ruth will find marriage in the owner of the field. They had a son named Obed, who had a son named Jesse, who had a son named David. David became King, and it is from his descendants that the Messiah would be born.
4) 1 Samuel 3 --- Samuel Hears a Voice: Samuel was being ministered under Eli, a priest. While in the Temple, Samuel heard a voice say his name, and he ran to Eli, who was laying down, HEAR AM I; you called me. Eli replied, "I did not call; go back and lie down." This happened three times until Eli realized it was the Lord calling Samuel. So he told him "Next time say 'Speak, for your servant is listening.' " The Lord wanted Samuel to be a prophet.
5) 1Samuel 16 --- King Saul Sends For David: The Lord was unhappy with Saul, the King, and made plans to replace him. He sent Samuel to see a man named Jesse and select one of his sons. At God's instructions he chose Jesse's youngest son David, a shepherd boy. Meanwhile an evil spirit tormented King Saul, and for relief, he told his servants to find someone who could play the harp for him. The servants told him a son of Jesse played the harp well. "Then Saul sent messengers to Jesse and said, "SEND ME DAVID THY SON, who is with sheep."
Inscriptions: I Know Thou Fearest God
Israel Loved Joseph
Let Me Now Go To The Field
Here Am I
Send Me David Thy Son
Condition of Window: Excellent
Height: 5' 6"
Width: 8'
Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass
Old Testament Scenes
Abraham Tested
Joseph Receives A Tunic From Jacob
Ruth Gleans In The Field
Samuel Hears a Voice
King Saul Sends For David
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