St. John's Episcopal Churchchurch
50 E. Fisher Freeway
Detroit, Michigan 48201
Wayne County
Web Address:
Construction: 1859-1862Architect: Albert Jordan and James Anderson
Architect’s City: Detroit
Date of Alterations: 1859 Chapel built
1862 Church built
1892 Chapel moved back 10 ft to allow Chancel to be made 10 deeper.
1936 Church and chapel moved 60 ft back to widen Woodward Ave.
Number of Pictorial Windows: 28
Number of Non-pictorial Windows: 6
Floor Plan Sketch: Download
St. John's Episcopal Church
MSGC: 1994.0163Census Coordinator:
Michael Surdyk
Studio Name
Detroit Stained Glass Works, The
Lamb (J. and R.) Co.
Wippell, (J.) & Co., Ltd.
Tiffany Studios
Gorham Company
Christ Blessing Little Children
The Triumphant Christ
The Word Made Flesh
Moses and the Major Prophets
Four Evangelists
The Flight into Egypt
The Epiphany
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Christ and Sparrow
Christ and Mary of Bethany
Saint Agnes
Prayer of Good Shepherd
The Marriage Feast at Cana
Jesus Calls the First Apostles
Jesus Knocks on the Door
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Virgin Mary and Dove
Tympanum window