Camden United Methodist Churchchurch
205 Main St.
Camden, Michigan 49232
Hillsdale County
Construction: 1984-1986Architect: Stein, Hinkle, Dowe, Wood, Johnson
Architect’s City: Lansing
Number of Pictorial Windows: 15
Number of Non-pictorial Windows: 20
Floor Plan Sketch: Download
Archival Sources: church archives, "Stained Glass of Camden United Methodist Church"
Camden United Methodist Church
Camden United Methodist Church
MSGC: 1995.0042Census Coordinator:
Willis Shiffler
Cross on the Rock
Heaven and Earth
The Resurrection
Palm Sunday
Ten Commandments
In the Beginning
In the Beginning - 2
Moses in the Bulrushes
Star of Bethlehem
The Last Supper
Heaven and Earth
In the Beginning - Narthex
Camden United Methodist Church