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Featured Window

Window of the Month
Our Lady of Grace, Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Click any image to enlarge.


Heritage Presbyterian Church
23415 Jefferson
St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48080
Macomb County


Date Built: 1957

Architect: none listed

Number of Pictorial Windows: 18

Number of Non-pictorial Windows: 8

MSGC: 1997.0046

Census Coordinator:
Alice A. Galimore (or Robert Welch)

Christ Ascending Heaven
The Resurrected Christ and Mary Magdalene
Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane
Christ the Good Shepherd
Christ Blessing the Children
Christ at the Wedding at Cana
Come, O Blessed of My Father
2 of the 7 Graces
2 of the 7 Graces
2 of the 7 Graces
2 of the 7 Graces
Shepherd Crook and Horn
Cross with Regal Crown
Cluster of Grapes
Sleeping Lamb
Cross with Crown of Thorns
Alpha and Omega