River Terrace Churchchurch
Christian Reformed Church (CRC)
1509 River Terrace Drive
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Ingham County
Web Address:
Date Built: 1969Architect: Dan Vos
Architect’s City: Ada, Michigan
Date of Alterations: 1997
Architect of Alterations: Mike Mayotte, Mayotte Group Architects
Alterations Architect’s City: Lansing, MI
Number of Pictorial Windows: 5
Window of the Month January 2009
River Terrace Church
MSGC: 2008.0021Census Coordinator:
Eunice Bossenbrook
Paul Workman
Studio Name
Schmitt (Conrad) Studios
The Flow of God’s Spirit-Far Left
The Flow of God’s Spirit-Near Left
The Flow of God’s Spirit-Center
The Flow of God’s Spirit-Near Right
The Flow of God’s Spirit-Far Right