Building Name: St. James Catholic ChurchStudio Name: Weeg
Artist Name: Leo Weeg
City: Novi
Window Shape: 4 (rounded or rose window)
Date of Window: 1993
Subject/Title of Window: Baptism
Brief Description of Subject: This rose window, based on a design by Michigan artist Dawn Sinkovich, is entitled "Baptism".
The sacrament of baptism is based on the baptism of Jesus; Matt 4:11-17 --- John the Evangelist said "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, ... He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit ... As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove lighting on him."
Church Description:
"Looking back, above the baptismal font, our attention is drawn to the (geographical) south window. Here, the Holy Spirit is depicted (symbolized as a dove), descending into the water, from which new life, in its entire splendor, comes bursting forth. The window speaks of our life in Christ, originating in baptism, through water and the Holy Spirit."
The Holy Spirit, as in this picture, is also symbolized as a "tongue of fire" which stems from its coming at Pentecost. Acts 2:3-4 " Then there appeared to them tongues of fire, which parted and came to rest on each of them. And they were filled with the Holy Ghost.
Made by Leo Weeg, of Weeg, Barning & Bates, of Southfield, MI. After a design by Dawn Sinkovich, of Michigan.
Condition of Window: excellent
Height: 18 ft
Width: 18 ft
Type of Glass and Technique: Slab or Faceted Glass (Dalle de Verre)
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