Building Name: Zion United Church of ChristArtist Name: Margaret Bouchez Cavanaugh
City: Mt. Clemens
Window Shape: 6 (gothic arched, more than 2 vertical sections)
Date of Window: 1978
Subject/Title of Window: Birth of the Son of Man
Brief Description of Subject: The quartrefoil window has the four Gosples surrounded by a scroll which symbolized the written word of God. Clockwise from top: Winged Lion (Mark)-Mark’s is the shortest and simplest; Winged Ox (Luke)-Written about 85 A.D., Luke’s gospel used the first two as models and hence is more sophisticated. Luke was written for the gentiles, whereas Matthew was directed to the Jews. Revelation 4:7 and Ezekiel 1:5ff; Winged Eagle (John)-Unlike the first three synoptic gospels, John did not use the others for his model. John was written at the end of the first century or the beginning of the second. John’s gospel is the most philosophically sophisticated. Revelation 4:7 and Ezekial 1:5ff; Winged Man (Matthew)-Matthew’s popularity may have been the reason for this gospel to have been placed first in the New Testament. His was probably the second gospel written about 80 A.D., and intended for Jews. Revelation 4:7 and Ezekiel 1:5ff. Below the quatrefoil are right: Dove over Lily (Annunciation)-The dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit. The lily symbolizes the Virgin Mary. Luke 1:26ff and left: Skins over Staff (John the Baptist)-Luke 3:2ff. The four windows create the story of the birth of Jesus. The Star of Bethlehem shines brightly over Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus, as the wisemen with gifts and the shepherd boy with his sheep pay homage to the new born King. The angels of the Lord herald and bear witness to the Good News. Below the main theme in each panel are left to right: Oil and Five Crosses (Healing)-Oil was used to anoint the five senses represented by the five crosses. Luke 4:40ff. Eight Pointed Star over Mount (Teaching)-This symbol represents the eight Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5:1ff. Loaves and Fishes (Miracles)-The loaves and fish suggest the miracle of the multiplication in the feeding of the five thousand. John 6:1ff. Jars of Water turned into Wine-This miracle at the wedding feast of Cana was Jesus’ first according to the gospel of John. John 2:1ff.
Type of Glass and Technique: Slab or Faceted Glass (Dalle de Verre)
Birth of the Son of Man
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