Building Name: Cathedral Abbey of St. Anthony, formerly St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church (closed 2006)Studio Name: Tyrolese Art Glass Company
City: Detroit
Window Shape: 5 (gothic arched, 2 vertical sections)
Date of Window: 1902
Subject/Title of Window: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Brief Description of Subject: The decorative medallion at the top of this window does not match the pattern or the work of the other aisle and transept windows and was most likely made by the Detroit Stained Glass Works. However the rest of this window appears to be the work of the Tyrolese Art Glass Company. This medallion is identical to the window across from it. I was not able to find out the circumstances that caused this.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647 - 1690) was a nun of the Order of the Visitation of Mary at their convent at Paray - le - Monial. Through her Jesus revealed twelve benefits of the devotion to his Sacred Heart. She is known as the "Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
In this window a kneeling St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is seen costumed in a nun's habit as Jesus is revealing his Sacred Heart to her. It looks like the scene is taking place in her room at the monastery. In Alacoque's nimbus is the fleur-de-lis pattern; In Christ's, rays of light form a lozenge-shaped nimbus.
The Sacred Heart, as seen here, consists of a flaming heart with the crown of thorns around it and a cross on top, all enveloped in an aura of light.
Height: 13.5'
Width: 44"
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque close-up
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque donors
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