Building Name: First Presbyterian ChurchCity: Farmington Hills
Window Shape: other
Date of Window: 1991
Subject/Title of Window: Christian Symbols
Brief Description of Subject: Rectangular window with top corners cut off, depicting various Christian symbols. Window is divided into twelve sections. Central theme is Celtic cross, with the symbols of the four Evangelists within the circle. (Winged man for St. Matthew, winged lion for St. Mark, winged ox for St. Luke, eagle for St. John). To top right of cross shows angel with trumpet. To top left, five-pointed star of Bethlehem shining on Christ Child in cradle. To lower left of cross is palm leaf (symbol of Palm Sunday), Holy Spirit in form of Dove descends on a shell from which water pours into a stream. To lower right of cross is chalice, loaves of bread, and grapevine. Below these are three fish (symbols of the Apostles, of all Christians, and of the Feeding of the 5,000). Below the river in bottom corners are lilies. Between lillies, at foot of cross, is open Bible, flanked by Alpha and Omega. Open Bible sits on altar garlanded with poinsettias.
Made by Richard Hanley of Omnibus Designs, of Okemos, MI.
Condition of Window: excellent
Height: Approx. 19 ft
Width: Approx. 9 ft
Christian Symbols
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