Building Name: St. Andrew Catholic ChurchStudio Name: Emil Frei Associates, Inc.
City: Saginaw
Window Shape: 3 (arched)
Date of Window: 1912
Subject/Title of Window: Holy Orders
Brief Description of Subject: From Faith in Stained Glass Saint Andrew Church booklet by Michael Bell, published August 15, 1976.
This is one of the windows of the apse. The apse, that is, the semi-circular area of the sanctuary which contains the altar, has been a usual feature of Christian churches since the first century. The first churches were usually converted Roman basilicas, buildings which were used for assembly halls or law courts. The place where the judge originally sat became the spot from which the priest came to preside over the Mass. In time the altar was moved from its central, free standing position and it was place against the back wall of the apse where it remained until the Second Vatican Council restored it to its original position. The apse of St. Andrew's is lit by nine small Gothic windows. Seven of them portray the seven sacraments; the first and last windows bear the "alpha" and the "omega", the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.
One of Seven Sacraments: Holy Orders. At the Last Supper Christ told the apostles, "Do this in remembrence of me" (Luke 22:19). The apostles, when their number appeared to be too small to serve the people of God, commissioned others by laying on of hands (Acts 6). The chalice and host represent the priest's function as chief celebrant of the Mass. The book of Gospels symbolizes his action of proclaiming God's word. The stole is the universal symbol of the authority of the priesthood. It is derived from a large cloth which originally hung over the shoulder or around the neck of Roman servants.
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 5' or 6'
Width: 2'
Type of Glass and Technique: Enamel Paint
Holy Orders
Holy Orders detail
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