Building Name: St. Andrew Catholic ChurchStudio Name: Emil Frei Associates, Inc.
City: Saginaw
Window Shape: 3 (arched)
Subject/Title of Window: Blessed are the Merciful
Brief Description of Subject: From Faith in Stained Glass Saint Andrew Church booklet by Michael Bell, published August 15, 1976.
Blessed are the Merciful For They Shall Obtain Mercy. This quote is taken from Christ's Sermon on the Mount according to St. Matthew. In this sermon Christ outlines in a series of sayings and pronouncements the joys of life in union with God and the duties entailed by it. The chosen quote is appropriate since the series of windows which decorate the church are depicting the various works of mercy. Note that of all the halos which are found in the sixteen lancets, those which surround the head of Christ have one distinctive feature. The halos surrounding Christ's head have a Greek cross (a cross with arms of equal length) within them, three arms of which are visible. Christ has been depicted in such a way in Christain art since earliest times, especially in the icons of the Eastern Church.
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 15'
Width: 3'
Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass
Blessed are the Merciful
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