Building Name: First United Methodist ChurchStudio Name: Willet Hauser Architectural Glass
City: Birmingham
Window Shape: 5 (gothic arched, 2 vertical sections)
Date of Window: 1958
Subject/Title of Window: The Parable And Miracle Window
Brief Description of Subject: This aisle window is signed under the the left scene in the predella as "The Willet Studio Phila. Pa. 1958" and under the right scene of the predella as "The Willet Stained Glass Studio 195? Phila. Pa.
The following description from the book, "The Windows and Symbols of First Methodist Church Birmingham, Mich. edited by Dr. Arnold F. Runkel and privately published by the Church for its members in 1966.
The left lancet presents two of the best known parables of Christ. The larger scene shows the Good Samaritan with the priest and the Levite (the two small figures at the top), who passed by 'on the other side.' Note the pallid, pained features of the 'man who fell among thieves.' At his feet are the cruse and vine, representing oil and wine with which the Samaritan bound up his wounds.
Depicted in the predella is the parable of the Sower (MATTHEW): seed falling by the wayside and the fowl of the air devouring it. Some seed falls on stony places and some among the thorns. In the upper left of the medallion is the sheaf of wheat.
The right lancet retells two of Christ's miracles. In the large medallion is the Marriage at Cana, significant as it was His first miracle. Here, in an hour of need, He brightened the festivities by turning the cruses of water into wine. (Note the pitcher and jar.) Behind the seated figure of Christ we see the anxious faces of His mother, Mary, at whose suggestion He performed the miracle, and of the bride and groom.
The predella shows Christ healing the blind man, Bartimaeus, whom he found begging, seated at the side of the road, on one of His journeys to Jerusalem, and whose faith made him whole. (MARK 10:46 - 52).
The tracery symbols represent four more of the Acts of Mercy. The basket of fruit and flowers, for visiting the sick; the book, for instruction of the ignorant. The coffin and pick for the merciful act of burying the dead; and the open gate, that of harboring the homeless.
The window of the Parables and Miracles was presented by the family and friends of Harold Gasser.
The left lancet presents two of the best known parables of Christ. The larger scene shows the Good Samaritan with the priest and the Levite (the two small figures at the top), who passed by 'on the other side.' Note the pallid, pained features of the 'man who fell among thieves.' At his feet are the cruse and vine, representing oil and wine with which the Samaritan bound up his wounds.
Depicted in the predella is the parable of the Sower (MATTHEW): seed falling by the wayside and the fowl of the air devouring it. Some seed falls on stony places and some among the thorns. In the upper left of the medallion is the sheaf of wheat.
The right lancet retells two of Christ's miracles. In the large medallion is the Marriage at Cana, significant as it was His first miracle. Here, in an hour of need, He brightened the festivities by turning the cruses of water into wine. (Note the pitcher and jar.) Behind the seated figure of Christ we see the anxious faces of His mother, Mary, at whose suggestion He performed the miracle, and of the bride and groom.
The predella shows Christ healing the blind man, Bartimaeus, whom he found begging, seated at the side of the road, on one of His journeys to Jerusalem, and whose faith made him whole. (MARK 10:46 - 52).
The tracery symbols represent four more of the Acts of Mercy. The basket of fruit and flowers, for visiting the sick; the book, for instruction of the ignorant. The coffin and pick for the merciful act of burying the dead; and the open gate, that of harboring the homeless.
The window of the Parables and Miracles was presented by the family and friends of Harold Gasser.
Height: ~124"
Width: 57"
The Parable And Miracle Window
The Parable And Miracle Window canopy
Parable, left; Miracles, right
The Sower, left; Healing Bartimaeus, right
The Parable And Miracle left signature
The Parable And Miracle right signature
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