Building Name: Immaculate Heart of Mary Motherhouse ChapelCity: Monroe, MI
Window Shape: 3 (arched)
Subject/Title of Window: Rose Window-Triumph of Christ
Brief Description of Subject: THis rose window is dedicated to teh Triumph of Christ. The letters IHS in the center of the rose are the compressed initials for th name of Jesus in Greek.
Upper left- Christ, The Good Shepherd symbolized by the lamb and the shepherds crook.
Upper- Triumphant Heart of Jesus Christ encircled by crown aflame with love.
Upper right- Resurrected Christ symbolized the phoenix, the mythical bird- at the point of death bursts into flames and arises renewed in strength from its own ashes.
Middle left- Christ, the teacher symbolized by the book of Sacred Scripture and by the A (alpha) and the O (Omega) God the beginning and end of all.
Lower- Christ, the King symbolized by the orb (globe) surmounted by the cross and resting on a throne and by the septre and palm branch.
Middle right- Christ, head of the Church symbolized by the Triple Tiara (supreme authority) teacher, law giver, judge.
Lower let- Christ the man of sorrows symbolized by the pillar with scourge and the bulrush
Lower right- Christ the judge symbolized by the scales balanced on upturned sword.
Rose Window Dedicated to Mary
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