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Featured Window

Window of the Month
Our Lady of Grace, Dearborn Heights, Michigan

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Building Name: St. James Episcopal Church

Studio Name: Lamb (J. and R.) Co.

City: Birmingham

Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)

Subject/Title of Window: Blessed are the Peacemakers - St. Hilda

Brief Description of Subject: This is the second of six aisle windows that uses a saint to illustrate one of the Beatitudes. The seventh Beatitude is "Blessed are the peacemakers: For they shall be called the children of God" Matthew 5:9 KJV For this window, St. Hilda of Whitby has been chosen to illustrate this Beatitude.
St. Hilda (614 - 680) founded the abbey at Whitby. Most of what is known about her is from the Ecclesiastical History of the English People by St. Bede. According to Bede, she was especially known for her teaching abilities, and as the Abbess at Whitby, she stressed the ideals of monasticism, especially the virtues of peace and charity.
St. Hilda is shown here wearing a cross and holding a crozier indicating her status as an Abbess. The Bible she is holding symbolizes her teaching abilities and stressing of the reading of the Bible.
On the bottom left of this window is a red rose, probably a symbol of her love of God or her works of charity. Seen in a triangle at the bottom right are three ammonites,snake-like creatures. This attribute of St. Hilda comes from the legend that she miraculously rid Whitby of ammonites by turning them into stones. Among places that picture ammonites on their shield are the town council of Whitby, and St. Hilda's College, Oxford.

Inscriptions: St. Hilda Abbess
Blessed Are The Peacemakers For They Shall Be Called The Children Of God

Height: 57"

Width: 37"

Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass

Blessed are the Peacemakers - St. Hilda
Blessed are the Peacemakers - St. Hilda
Ammonites close-up
Ammonites close-up

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All images in the Index are either born-digital photographs of windows or buildings or are scans of slides, prints, or other published sources. These images have been provided by volunteers and the quality of the material varies widely.

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