Building Name: St. James Episcopal ChurchStudio Name: Lamb (J. and R.) Co.
City: Birmingham
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Subject/Title of Window: One Was A Queen - Queen Elizabeth I
Brief Description of Subject: This window is located on the aisle of the Children's Chapel. All windows in the Chapel were designed to relate to children and provide a learning experience for them.
This is the second of three aisle windows that together complete a couplet from the children's song "I Sing A Song Of The Saints Of God" composed by Lesbia Scott. The inscription "One Was A Queen" is the second part of the first verse of the couplet in the first stanza of that song. The Church selected Queen Elizabeth I as an example of a saintly Queen.
Queen Elizabeth 1 of England (1533 - 1603) is seen royally costumed including a ruff which became popular during what is called the Elizabethan Era. She wears her crown, and holds symbols of her authority as Queen --- a scepter, and the orb and cross. She is surrounded by sea clouds. A galleon is seen sailing out from behind her. This refers to the English defeating the Spanish Armada in 1588 as they were attempting to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I. Above and to the right is a picture of Westminster Palace, the building used by the parliament.
In the predella are four symbols for Queen Elizabeth:
1. A shield with a crown and the word Shakespeare. Elizabeth was a patron of the Arts, and is known to have attended Shakespeares plays. It is even said that Shakespeare wrote the Merry Wives of Windsor at her request.
2. The Book of Common Prayers. Elizabeth restored the Anglican Church as the previous Queen had been Catholic. In 1559 the Book of Common Prayers was revised, and is known as the First Book of Queen Elizabeth.
3. A rod and reel and two fish. During her reign the parliament passed laws for the preservation of fish spawn and making mandatory the eating of fish on Wednesdays. These were to aid the fishing industry.
4. Two pigeons. Pigeons mate for life, thus a marriage symbol. Since Elizabeth never married she is known as "The Virgin Queen," however she wore her coronation ring on her marriage finger as a sign that she was married to England and its people.
The writing at the bottom identifies the maker of this window as The Lamb Studios.
Inscriptions: Elizabeth I
One Was A Queen
The Lamb Studios
Condition of Window: Excellent
Height: 5'
Width: 39"
Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass
One Was A Queen - Queen Elizabeth I
Lamb signature
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