Building Name: Holy Redeemer ChurchCity: Burton
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Subject/Title of Window: Kings of the Hebrews
Brief Description of Subject: The third window in this series highlights two of the great Kings of the Hebrews David and Solomon. The harp, the shepherd staff, the stones and sling are all associated with King David. The hard refers to many of the psalms which are attributed to King David. We also see he scale of justice symbolizing King Solomon who was known for his great wisdom and the just treatment he gave all people. A classic example of his wisdom is the story of two women who claimed the same child as their son. Solomon then ordered this child to be cut in half. The real mother would not allow this. She would rather give her son to the other woman. ( I kings Ch. 3).
Type of Glass and Technique: Opalescent Glass
Great Kings of the Hebrews
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