Building Name: Holy Redeemer ChurchCity: Burton
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Subject/Title of Window: Time of the Pentacost
Brief Description of Subject: The next four new windows on the west side depict the four primary works of the Church from the time of the Pentecost (where the window in the center of the Church stopped) to the second coming of Christ at the end of the world.
The first of these sets of windows highlights the work of Worship centering around the sacraments which are personal encounters with Christ. All of the sacraments are channels through which we share divine life. This sharing of divine life is made possible through the death and resurrection of Christ, which is symbolized by the large cross and rays of light coming from the cross. The letter ICXC and NIKA stand for Jesus Christ, Victor. Through his death and resurrection Jesus conquest sin and death for us, and through the sacraments we share in his victory.
Since the sacraments of Baptism Confirmation and Holy Eucharist are symbolized in other windows (Closer to the front of the Church) this window contains symbols of the remaining four sacraments. In the center panels we see the symbol of Holy Orders (The Bishop ordaining a priest) The role of the bishop and f the Pope is symbolized by the mitre and keys (symbolizing authority). The ordination and role of the Deacon is also seen by the Bible and stool on the left side of the window. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation is seen by the hand of a person. The smaller container and cross above this image represents the container of sacred oils.
Type of Glass and Technique: Opalescent Glass
Time of the Pentecost
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