Building Name: Trinity Episcopal ChurchStudio Name: Tiffany Studios (attributed by the church to)
City: Niles
Window Shape: 5 (gothic arched, 2 vertical sections)
Date of Window: 1978
Subject/Title of Window: The Good Shepherd
Brief Description of Subject: Our Lord stands near the waters of comfort holding two lambs. Other lambs are at His feet. Over the left shoulder can be seen the gatefold.
To the Glory of God in Memory of Richard H Elder.
Expressed here is a theme from the Twenty third Psalm portraying our Lord as the comfort holding two lambs of the flock, left shoulder of the central figure can be seen the gate fold.
This window is dedicated to the memory of Richard Elder. Mr. Elder was a lifelong and senior warden, and was involved in the construction of the children’s chapels in the undercroft.
Mr. Elder’s wife, the former Virginia Harter comes from a family of Trinity Communicants. Her grandmother Gertrude Snyder Harter was organist in the 1880’s and 1890’s before Miss Lardner assumed those duties.
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 72"
Width: 28.5"
Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass
The Good Shepherd
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