Building Name: Sacred Heart Catholic ChurchCity: Mount Pleasant
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Date of Window: 2008
Subject/Title of Window: The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Brief Description of Subject: The figure of Jesus stands at the center, drawing us to his illuminating sacred heart, the peace of the holy spirit dove descends upon Jesus, the nativity star shines down on Christ.
Jesus shares with the simple what has been hidden from the wise. It is revealed from the start in the humble beginnings of his birth that through our faith in Jesus we find the only path to salvation. Through the gentleness and humility of Christ do we gain relief and redemption from our struggles. We find ourselves comforted by the humble but powerful ways of the son and seek to be like him.
The Heavenly City continues into these panels. The peace that is sought by those who embrace Jesus’s way is symbolized by a dove grasping an olive branch in its beak. The figure of Jesus stands center, drawing us to him while the Sacred Heart illuminates from him. The nativity star shines down on the animals of the field stand witness.
The light of the risen Jesus engulfs the empty cross, a symbol of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection through which we are saved. The sacrificial lamb, its presence gently close, is also represented. God’s creation dances throughout the panels-the rustling and falling tree leaves, the gently flowing stream at which the deer drink and the fish swim. The grains of the field and the fruit of the vine are symbolized and also represent the ingredients of Holy Communion. And the original structure of Sacred Heart church is placed just beneath Christ’s right arm.
Height: 21' 1"
Width: 7' 4"
Type of Glass and Technique: Opalescent Glass
Sacred Heart of Jesus
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