Building Name: First United Methodist ChurchCity: Grand Ledge
Window Shape: 3 (arched)
Date of Window: 1912
Subject/Title of Window: Cross and Crown
Brief Description of Subject: From the booklet, "First United Methodist Church, Grand Ledge, Michigan. Walking Tour Guide of the Stained Glass Windows," by C. Bernard Johnson (1994).
The Maria Bouton Smith and Anna Bouton window was located in the eight sided side annex of the old church, that was removed in 1961, for the addition of the educational unit. The window was stored over 30 years and damaged. The window has been reworked for the elevator addition of 1994.
Maria Nichols was married to Aaron Bouton and from this marriage two daughters were born. Anna Bouton and Betsey Evaline Bouton. After her first husband's death, Maria Bouton married Abram Smith on November 30, 1886. Abram Smith's home was the location of the first Methodist sermon and the first public school class in Grand Ledge. They were married at the daughter's home at 615 W. Jefferson Street. Betsey was at that time, Mrs. A.D. Sprague. Anna Bouton was born on July 7, 1849, and died in 1919 at 69 years of age, at her sister's (Betsey E. Sprague) home.
This symbol is a combination of the cross and the crown. The cross serves to remind us of Christ's death, and the crown symbolizes the reward of the faithful in life after death. REVELATION 2, VERSE 10. "STOP BEING AFRAID OF WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SUFFER - FOR THE DEVIL WILL SOON THROW SOME OF YOU INTO PRISON TO TEST YOU. REMAIN FAITHFUL EVEN WHEN FACING DEATH AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE CROWN OF LIVE - AN UNENDING, GLORIOUS FUTURE."
Jesus will be your Victor. He died for you and now he lives for you. "JESUS IS VICTOR."
Corrie Ten Boom.
Gideonites of Class No. 10 was a male group. Thomas W. Brewer Jr., the proprietor of the Grand Ledge Job Printing Office, was the president in 1912.
Inscriptions: Maria Bouton Smith
Anna Bouton
Condition of Window: Fair
Height: 3'
Width: 6"
Type of Glass and Technique: Opalescent Glass, Lead Came
Cross and Crown
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