Building Name: Kirk in the HillsStudio Name: Burnham (W. H.) Studios
City: Bloomfield Hills
Window Shape: 3 (arched)
Date of Window: 1958
Subject/Title of Window: Our Father
Brief Description of Subject: From "Welcome to the Kirk."
The theme for the seven pairs of aisle windows is the Lord's Prayer, with the text appearing in a ribboned portion of the design.
Looking north towards the Chancel, the first and second windows are located on either side of the doorway to the terrace. The prayer continues clockwise on the east side of the Nave with five additional windows completing the prayer in individual couplets. A fitting epilogue to the world's best known prayer appears in the trio of small arched windows on the east wall of the Narthex.
It is interesting to observe that these windows are set in pairs, and that the Lord's Prayer lends itself admirably to twin expression.
As far as is known, this unique treatment of Christ's model prayer - artfully etched in the multicolored magnificence of stained glass - has never before been handled in this manner.
Surrounded by this memorable message, the worshipper can't help but sense that the Master gave His model prayer as a basic outline for prayer - presenting the great thoughts which should surge through the worshipper's mind as he bows in the presence of the Almighty. "Lord, teach us to pray" was His desciple's plea, and Christ answered with this revealing rubric for prayer. Here at the Kirk, it finds a most elegant and illuminating expression in seven symbolic windows of stained glass.
Mr. Burnham designed windows 1, 3, 5, 7 and one-half of 2; Mr. Reynolds executed the other half of 2, as well as 4 and 6.
Window No. 1 - Left: The Saviour teaching (Matt. 6:5-8); below, A family praying. At the apex, The Hand of God (Ezra 8:18).
Inscriptions: After this manner pray ye, Our Father
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 5'
Width: 18"
Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass, Lead Came
Our Father
The Lord's Prayer Overview
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