Building Name: Christ Our Savior Lutheran ChurchCity: Livonia
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Date of Window: 1980
Subject/Title of Window: From Creation to New Creation Set 6
Brief Description of Subject: A set of six windows, entitled "From Creation to New Creation," was designed for this Church and installed in 1980. This is the last of that series and is located in the choir room overlooking the narthex. Receiving no sun light, it is viewed from the narthex below when the lights in the choir room are turned on.
This set covers the New Creation.
Panel 1: According to Church records, this panel was given by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Almond in loving memory of their daughter, Mary Lynn Almond.
From the church brochure: "The Crown and Trumpet represent the Final Judgement Day. We are reminded of 1 Corinthians 15 where St. Paul tells us “The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible”. The crown reminds us of those words spoken at so many confirmations “Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.” Revelations 2:10"
Panel 2: According to Church records, this panel was given by Al and Irene Nurmi in memory of the A. J. Nurmi Family.
From the church brochure: "We see a number of people entering through Gates of Pearl into the Kingdon of Heaven and we are reminded by the words of the great hymn of Vaughn Williams “Through gates of pearl streams in the heavenly host”. This is what is portrayed in this window, thousands upon thousands - upon millions, upon millions of people - all who have throughout the history of the Church heard the saving message of the Gospel and now entering into the promised mansions of paradise -there to give praise and honor to our God and King for His Grace throughout all history."
Panel 3: According to Church records, this panel was given by Mr. Al Massoll in loving memory of his wife, Matilda M. Massoll.
From the church brochure: "We see there the lamb which is a symbol of our Lord Jesus carrying the banner of victory, which is, of course, symbolized with a cross. It was on the cross that victory was gained for us and so it is that in heaven the lamb shall be forever worshipped and adored. It is He who sits upon the throne who shall receive our everlasting praises for all that He has accomplished for us throughout the history of His world and His Church."
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 7'
Width: 5'6"
From Creation to New Creation Set 6
Gates of Pearl
The Symbol of the Lamb
Trumpet and Crown
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All images in the Index are either born-digital photographs of windows or buildings or are scans of slides, prints, or other published sources. These images have been provided by volunteers and the quality of the material varies widely.
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