Building Name: Christ Our Savior Lutheran ChurchCity: Livonia
Window Shape: 2 (rectangle)
Subject/Title of Window: From Creation to New Creation Set 4
Brief Description of Subject: A set of six windows, entitled "From Creation to New Creation," was designed for this Church in 1980. This is the fourth of that series and was originally located on the north side of the sanctuary. Due to alterations to the Church in 1992, it was moved to the meeting room.
This set covers the early history of the Missouri Synod which this Church is a member.
Panel 1: According to Church records, this panel was given by John and Ethel Tweedie in loving memory of their parents, John A. and Mary Agnes Tweedie, and Rudolph Kroll and (in honor of) Elizabeth Kroll.
From the church brochure: "This window represents the ships which brought our Saxon forefathers over to America. They left Germany in 1838 in order to come to the United States hoping there to find religious freedom, the ability to believe the teachings of the church that they had been taught for so many centuries. There were many in Germany who at this time were becoming skeptical, scoffers given over to the age of rationalism. The leaders of our church during those early years wanted to escape such teaching so that they could carry on the pure gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, they set sail with five ships, coming over to the United States arriving in New Orleans in the midst of winter, making thier way up the Mississippi, finally settling in Perry Country, Missouri."
Panel 2: The log cabin pictured here still exists. Located in Altenburg, Missouri, it has become a Lutheran heritage museum. According to Church records, this panel was given by Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kluth in memory of of their parents, William J. and Frieda Kluth, and Victor and Elizabeth Sattlemeier.
From the church brochure: "Education was the most important of all aspects of Christian teaching for the settlers who came to Perry County. Before building anything else, they wanted a school. The schoolhouse pictured here stands today in replica on the campus of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. You can see the windows on the lower story which was where the students met. The window on the second story is there ti give light to the Pastor who taught them and who lived upstairs."
Panel 3: According to Church records, this panel was given by Mrs. Elsie Kroll in memory of her husband Konrad Kroll and her parents, William and Frieda Reim.
From the church brochure: "One of the great missionary efforts took place in Saginaw Valley where missionaries were sent by Wilhelm Loehe of Germany in order to bring the saving message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Indians who lived in that area during the 1840’s. Several colonies were established here for the purpose of bringing the gospel to the Indians. The mission to the Indians showed the deep concern that we in our Synod always have had for mission work - for bringing the Gospel of Christ to all nations - of all creeds- of all colors- of all nationalities."
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 7'
Width: 5'6"
From Creation to New Creation Set 4
Saxon Forefathers' Ships
The Settlers of Perry County
The Coming of the Mission to the Native Americans
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