Building Name: Central Avenue Christian Reformed ChurchStudio Name: Grand Rapids Art Glass Co.
City: Holland
Window Shape: 6 (gothic arched, more than 2 vertical sections)
Date of Window: 1953
Subject/Title of Window: Pilgrim’s Progress Window
Brief Description of Subject: Based upon the book, "The Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan (1628-1688), it depicts the pilgrim, Christian, as he journeys "from this world to that which is to come," in Bunyan's own words.
The pilgrim is shown traveling through the valley of worldly troubles and despair upward toward the Celestial City of everlasting life and glory (Heaven).
In the lower left corner of the window is the figure of Moses, holding the tablets containing the Ten Commandments and a pole with the brazen serpent, as described in the Books of Exodus (31:18) and Numbers (21:8).
On the opposite corner is the apostle Paul, who has stepped from a boat to plant a banner with the Christian cross on the new continent.
Between these representatives of the Old and New Testaments are two hemispheres representing the world. Inscribed on the window are words from the Book of Hebrews (13:14): "For we have not here an abiding city, but seek after the city which is to come."
Color symbolism of the Sanctuary Windows:
GREEN - Eternal, everlasting hope - the color of life.
BLUE - Heaven, Jehovah, interpreted as symbolizing the everlasting love of God.
PURPLE - Regal color of royal origin - majesty of God.
VIOLET - Lighter shade of purple, still denotes royalty but symbolizes humility and penitence. Usage is most often at the Lenten and Advent seasons of the church year.
RED - Depicts the sacrificial shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ. Combined with yellow/orange to reference the divine zeal of the Holy Spirt; i.e., tongues of fire on Pentecost Day.
YELLOW/ORANGE - Light, zeal - relates to the Word of God, light and lamp to a Christian's path.
WHITE - Symbol of the Creator, Lamb of God, purity, perfection, innocence, joy.
BROWN - Representative of mankind, struggle, formed from the dust of the earth. Refers also to the human nature of Christ the Son.
BLACK - Darkness of Hell, sin, sorrow, grief, hopelessness.
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 10'
Width: 16'
Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass, Enamel Paint, Lead Came
Pilgrim’s Progress Window
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