Building Name: St. Florian Catholic ChurchStudio Name: Schmitt (Conrad) Studios
City: Hamtramck
Window Shape: 3 (arched)
Subject/Title of Window: Presentation in the Temple/Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
Brief Description of Subject: Description: Top lens contains an angel with a shield with the letter IC XP NIKA (Jesus Christ conquers), Next lens down contains a picture of the Presentation In The Temple. Joseph, Mary and Jesus are seen in the Temple. Simeon is holding Jesus. Two turtle doves are seen in a cage at the bottom of their feet. Next lens down is St. Andrew Bobola with his attribute -- costumed as a Jesuit. Next lens down is the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes. A crowd is seen in the background; Jesus is blessing two bread baskets and 2 fish. A man is seen kneeling and holding a fish -- the man could be Philip but does not have a nimbus which is usually present in depictions of Saints. In a hexagon at the bottom of the window is an ox's head with wings for its body which is the attribute of Luke the Evangelist. The edges contain 4 lenses -- the top two are Fleur-de-lis with nails driven into it (Mary's suffering) and a heart with a sword through it (Heart of Mary). The bottom lenses are 2 fish and 5 barley loaves.
Background: Presentation in the Temple is the 4th Joyful Mystery of the Rosary. It is covered in Luke 2:22 - 38 According to Mosaic law a woman is unclean after the birth of a child and must be purified. If the child was a male the time period is 40 days and then she must be brought to the temple and give an offering of a lamb or 2 turtle doves if they can't afford the lamb. In addition if the male was the first born he must also come to the temple and be redeemed this will require a monetary offering. Simeon was promised by the Holy Spirit that he would live to see the Savior. When the Holy Family comes to the Temple after the 40 days Simeon upon seeing the child takes him in his arms and proclaims "Now let your servant die in peace." He later went on to predict Mary's suffering as a "sword through her soul". Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes is covered in John 6: 1 - 14. Jesus had crossed the Sea of Galilee and a large crowd had followed him up the mountain. Jesus saw the crowd and asked Philip "How can we buy enough food for them to eat." Philip answered "two hundred days of wages would not be enough." Andrew said that a boy had 5 barley loaves and two fishes. Jesus had them brought to Him and blessed them and there was enough to feed the multitude with much left over.
Inscriptions: IC XC Nika (IC first letters in the Greek spelling of Jesus, XC first letters in the Greek spelling of Christ, Nika -Greek word for conquers)
Height: 24'
Width: 4'
Presentation in the Temple/Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
Presentation in the Temple close-up
St. Andrew Bobola close-up
Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes close-up
Fish and barley loaves close-up
Presentation in the Temple/Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes outside
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