Building Name: Sacred Heart Major Seminary (various buildings with separate form A)Studio Name: Emil Frei Associates, Inc.
City: Detroit
Window Shape: 6 (gothic arched, more than 2 vertical sections)
Date of Window: 1930
Subject/Title of Window: Main Window
Brief Description of Subject: At the peak of the window there is an eight cusped aperture that is the coat of arms and motto of the late Bishop Michael Gallagher, Bishop of Detroit and founder of the Seminary. In the second level from the peak there is a blindfolded woman who is holding a scroll that is inscribed with “Synagogue” and on the right there is a woman with light in her eyes holding a scroll that says “The Church.” On third level are the figures of a man and lion with the names Matthew and Mark. There is also the Sacrament of Penance, the figure of an Ox and an angel with the names Luke and John. In the fourth level are six teardrops with symbols that stand for the Hand of God, XP monogram of Christ, “and in Jesus Christ. His only begotten son,” the Phoenix, an eagle, the scales of justice and the Ten Commandments, and the barque of Peter. The fifth level is presented with five lancets. Lancet One depicts the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist. Lancet Two depicts the Twelve Apostles. Lancet three depicts the Risen Christ. Lancet four depicts loaves and fishes with the remaining twelve apostles. Lancet five depicts the Sacraments of Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction.
Inscriptions: Peak- “Aundare Faclat Charitatem.” Second level: Synagogue and on the right The Church. Third Level: Matthew, Mark, Penance, Luke, John. Lancet 1: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist. Lancet 2: Chastity Lancet 3: Poverty Lancet 4: Obedience Lancet 5: Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction
Condition of Window: Good
Height: 18’
Width: 12’
Type of Glass and Technique: Antique or Cathedral Glass, Lead Came
Main Window
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