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Featured Window

Window of the Month
Our Lady of Grace, Dearborn Heights, Michigan

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Building Name: St. Albertus Church

Studio Name: Mayer (Franz) and Company

City: Detroit

Window Shape: 6 (gothic arched, more than 2 vertical sections)

Date of Window: 1905

Subject/Title of Window: The Rich Man and Lazarus

Brief Description of Subject: Background and description: The octofoil at the top has an angel holding a banner with the inscription.

The scene is taken from the "Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus" which is covered in Luke 16:19-31. Synopsis -- Jesus directs this parable to the Pharisees about a rich man dressed in fine clothes who was eating a sumptuous meal and Lazarus, a very poor man, full of sores, who comes to beg for food. The rich man gives him no food and he is left with crumbs that fall from the table (dumped by servant girl in this window) but EVEN THE DOGS CAME AND LICKED HIS SORES (it was believed that dog saliva contains healing properties so this is a kind act). The rich man dies and winds up in a place of eternal fire (hell) and far off he sees Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham (heaven). He asks Abraham to have Lazarus bring him some water as he is tormented by the flames but Abraham tells him there is a huge chasm between them and no one can cross over. The rich man pleads with Abraham to send Lazarus back to Earth and warn his brothers of the torment of this place. Abraham tells him "They have Moses and the Prophets let them listen to them." The rich man says "But if you send someone from the dead, they will repent and not squander their riches on themselves." Abraham said "If they did not listen to Moses and the Prophets they will not listen even if someone should rise from the dead.

Even the dogs came and licked his sores. St. Luke 16:21

Height: ~17'

Width: 6'

The Rich Man and Lazarus
The Rich Man and Lazarus
The Rich Man and Lazarus close-up
The Rich Man and Lazarus close-up
The Rich Man and Lazarus inscription
The Rich Man and Lazarus inscription

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