Building Name: Christ Church DetroitStudio Name: Tiffany Studios
City: Detroit
Window Shape: 6 (gothic arched, more than 2 vertical sections)
Date of Window: 1912
Subject/Title of Window: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Brief Description of Subject: St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207 - 1231) was the daughter of King Andrew II, King of Hungary. At the age of 14 she was married off to Louis IV, Landgrave of Thuringia. Throughout her life she was devoted to the caring of the sick and the poor.
St. Elizabeth is best known for the "Miracle of the Roses" and Tiffany Studios has used it for the basis of this window. She was secretly taking bread to the poor when she was confronted by her brother-in-law who accused her of stealing from the treasury and demanded to see what she was hiding under her cloak. When she opened her cloak there was nothing but roses.
The signature of the maker appears at the bottom right as:
Inscriptions: Bear ye one another's burden and so fulfill the law of Christ Gal. VI 2
In memory of Clara Buel Trowbridge, wife of Charles May Swift
November 26th 1863 - October 3rd 1909
Height: 4'
Width: 4'9"
Type of Glass and Technique: Opalescent Glass, Lead Came, Copper Foil, Plating, Vitreous Paint, Drapery Glass
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Elizabeth of Hungary close-up
Tiffany signature
Elizabeth of Hungary outside
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