Hatcher Graduate Librarylibrary
920 N. University
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Washtenaw County
Web Address:
Date Built: 1920Architect: Albert Khan
Date of Alterations: 1970
Building Notes: In September of 1906 Theodore W. Koch, Librarian, gave four stained glass windows by Nicola D’Ascenzo to the Library. A set of three windows were originally made for the Booklover’s Library of Philadelphia. They are now located on the south wall of the Reading Room. The fourth window, the ship uner full sail, was made as a memorial to Edward Lorraine Walter - a distinguished faculty member who was lost at sea on the French steamer La Bourgogne. This window now hangs in the North Hatcher second floor cooridor at the entrance of the Reading Room.
MSGC: 2008.0019
Census Coordinator:
Barbara Krueger
Studio Name
Detroit Stained Glass Works, The
Ship Under Full Sale