Ste. Anne de Detroit Catholic Churchchurch
1000 Ste. Anne Street
Detroit, Michigan 48216
Wayne County
Web Address:
Date Built: 1886Architect: Albert E. French, Leon Coquard
Architect’s City: Detroit, MI
Window of the Month February 2007
Window of the Month July 2008
Ste. Anne de Detroit Catholic Church
MSGC: 1994.0058Census Coordinator:
Marion Spitzley and David Spitzley
Studio Name
Detroit Stained Glass Works, The
Bavarian Stained Glass Company
Buffalo Stained Glass Works
Rose Window
Ste. Adele, St. Francois Xavier, and Ste. Emilie
St. Alice, St. Guillaume, and Ste. Louise
St. Augustin, Notre Dame de Sec’s Perpetuel, and Ste. Monique
Ste. Felicite, Elie, and Ste. Emilie
Ste. Francoise, St. Richard, and Ste. Josephine
Ste. Germaine de Pre, St. Francois Regis, and St. Jacques
St. Jean, St. Michel, and St. Maurice
St. Joseph de C., St. Vincent de Paul, and St. Jean de D.
Ste. Lucie, Ste. Catherine of Genoa, and St. Leon
Medard Beauvais
Our Lady
St. Patrick, Ste. Cecile, and St. Jean L’Aumonier
St. Paul, St. Rose of Lima, and St. Antoine
Samuel, St. Louis, and St. Emmanuel
Samuel and St. Philippe de Neri
Sermon on the Mount and the Last Supper
Ste. Sophie, V. Marie C. de Savoie, and Ste. Rosalie
St. Basil
St. Bernard
St. Clotilde
St. Elizabeth
St. Genevieve
St. Martin
St. Philomene
St. Remi
St. Thomas, Ste. Catherine de Siena, and Ste. Dorothee
Ste. Francois de C, Samuel, and ?
St. Fre Nolasque
St. Denis
St. Eloi
St. Josephine, St. Alfred, St. Agnes
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
St. Anne with the young Virgin Mary
Coming of the Magi; Entry into Jerusalem
St. Bernadette of Lourdes