Fountain Street Churchchurch
Non-denominational (liberal)
24 Fountain St. N.E.
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Kent County
Web Address:
Construction: 1921-1924Architect: Coolidge & Hodgdon
Architect’s City: Chicago
Number of Pictorial Windows: 11
Number of Non-pictorial Windows: 1
Floor Plan Sketch: Download
Archival Sources: publications listed in other materials
Window of the Month March 2010
Fountain Street Church
MSGC: 1992.0057Census Coordinator:
Josephine Kian
Artist Name:
Robert Pinart
Studio Name
Paris & Wiley Studio
The Children’s Window
Law and Psalms
Rose window
The Faith Window
The Freedom Window
The Prophets Window
The Prophets Window
The Wisdom Window
The Youth Window
Window of Evangelists
Window of Parables
Window of Service to Humanity