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Window of the Month
Our Lady of Grace, Dearborn Heights, Michigan

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Building Name: Sweetest Heart of Mary Church

Studio Name: Detroit Stained Glass Works, The

City: Detroit

Window Shape: 5 (gothic arched, 2 vertical sections)

Date of Window: 1893

Subject/Title of Window: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Brief Description of Subject: St. Simon Stock, Prior General of the Carmelites, is said to have been given the Brown Scapular by the Virgin Mary with the Sabbatine Privilege granted to the Carmelites that wear one. Concept: The Sabbatine Privilege grants wearers of the brown scapular the promise that on the Saturday after their deaths the Blessed Virgin Mary will come to take them out of Purgatory. Description: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, as Queen of Heaven, and Jesus, as Christ the King, both holding brown scapulars, have gone down to Purgatory. An angel is pulling a man out of the fires of purgatory.

Inscriptions: Inscription: Ofiarowalo Bractwo Sw. Szkaplerza. Translation: Donated by the Holy Scapular Society

Condition of Window: Restored, 1979

Type of Glass and Technique: Silver Stain

Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel close-up
Our Lady of Mount Carmel close-up

The MSGC is a constantly evolving database. Not all the data that has been collected by volunteers has been sorted and entered. Not every building has been completely documented.

All images in the Index are either born-digital photographs of windows or buildings or are scans of slides, prints, or other published sources. These images have been provided by volunteers and the quality of the material varies widely.

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