Sweetest Heart of Mary Churchchurch
4440 Russell Street
Detroit, Michigan 48207
Wayne County
Web Address:
Date Built: 1893Architect: Spier and Rohn
Architect’s City: Detroit, MI
Floor Plan Sketch: Download
Window of the Month October 2005
Window of the Month February 2007
Sweetest Heart of Mary Church
MSGC: 1992.0018Census Coordinator:
Updated by Michael Surdyk, 10/2016; Betty MacDowell
Studio Name
Detroit Stained Glass Works, The
Tiffany Studios
St. Michael
St. Valentine
Christ and the Children
Holy Family
Kolasinski Memorial Window
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Poland window
St. Agnes
St. Bernadette and our Lady of Lourdes
St. Dominic
St. Lawrence Deacon and Martyr
Tiffany Chandelier