Building Name: St. John Armenian ChurchStudio Name: Loire (Gabriel) Studios
City: Southfield
Window Shape: 3 (arched)
Date of Window: 1966
Subject/Title of Window: Saint Gregory the Illuminator
Brief Description of Subject: The architects description of the 16 dome windows:
"The sixteen windows radiating from the central disk at the top of the dome portray saints important to the Armenian Church --- thirteen apostles [includes Saint Paul] and three Armenian saints. SAINT GREGORY the Illuminator, evangelist of the Armenians and Patron Saint of the Armenian Church, is placed in the window just above the altar. It is flanked by the inseparable twosome, SAINT SAHAG AND SAINT MESROB, founders of Armenian literature. The first of these two was responsible for the translation of the Holy Bible, and the latter was the originator of the Armenian alphabet."
In this window, Saint Gregory is depicted with attributes of a hammer pickaxe and the Holy Etchmiadzin Cathedral --- center of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
These attributes stem from a vision that Saint Gregory had of Christ descending from heaven with a golden hammer and pointing to a spot in Armenia. Saint Gregory's interpretation was that Christ wanted a church built on this spot. That church, the original Holy Etchmiadzin Cathedral, was completed on this spot in 303.
Height: 8'
Width: 2'
Type of Glass and Technique: Slab or Faceted Glass (Dalle de Verre)
Gregory the Illuminator
Gregory the Illuminator outside
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