Building Name: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary ChapelStudio Name: Emil Frei Associates, Inc.
City: Livonia
Window Shape: 5 (gothic arched, 2 vertical sections)
Subject/Title of Window: Old Testament Prefigurations of Jesus
Brief Description of Subject: All of the aisle and transept windows have the same basic pattern, two lancet windows --- the top symbol in each lancet sets the topic for that lancet, and the four symbols below are each encased in a geometrical shape surrounded by grisaille glass. The border and filler color used, like the geometric shape, is unique to the section of the Church they are located in --- the transept uses a quatrefoil shape and the color of ruby.
The transept is on two levels. In the lower level is a chapel and the upper level a choir loft. The choir loft is constructed at an angle like a bleacher. This will cause variations in height and visibility of some of the windows.
The topic for this transept window involves prefigurations or types. As books were being gathered for Christianity (New Testament). A decision was made to include the Hebrew writings (Old Testament). Their rationale was that many of the writings prefigured people and events that occurred in the Christian writings. These prefigurations are called "types," and its study is called "Typology.".
Left lancet top to bottom.
The Chi Rho (Christ) and the Alpha and Omega (God). This combination of symbols dates to early Christianity and was an affirmation that Jesus is God in opposition to the Arian Heresy.
Noah's Ark: Saved Noah's family from the flood as Jesus saved mankind with his death on the cross.
Burning Bush: Moses sees an Angel of the Lord in a burning bush that is not consumed by the fire. Jesus was sent by God and died, but death did not consume him.
Ark of the Covenant: Contains the tablets of the law (10 Commandments, the Old Covenant). In Jeremiah 31:31, "The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant. Jesus is the new covenant, a new relationship to God. Belief in Jesus is the new way to salvation.
Right lancet top to bottom.
Top same as the left lancet
Brazen Serpent: Moses made a bronze snake and put it on a stick to save the Israelites from death. Jesus was put to death on a cross for our salvation.
Pillar of Cloud and Pillar of Fire: During the Exodus, God, in the form of a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, led the Israelites to the Promised Land. By following Jesus, we are led to eternity.
Sword of Gideon: The sword of Gideon is a symbol for God's power wielded by Gideon in destroying his enemies. In Revelation 19:15, Jesus destroys his enemies with a sharp sword in his mouth, he conquers by the power of the Word of God.
Although the exact date is unknown, this window was in place by 1944.
Height: 8'
Width: 6'
Old Testament Prefigurations of Jesus
Chi Rho, Alpha & Omega, Noah's Ark
Burning Bush, Ark of the Covenant
Chi Rho, Alpha & Omega, Brazen Serpent
Pillar of Cloud & Pillar of Fire, Sword of Gideon
Old Testament Prefigurations of Jesus outside
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